Reviewer: Science - Earth Science (Part 1)


Earth Science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the complex and dynamic processes that shape our planet and the environment in which we live. By studying the Earth's intricate systems, we can gain valuable insights into the origins and evolution of our planet, its diverse ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Whether you are an aspiring educator ready to inspire a new generation, a student working towards admission to your dream institution, or a professional striving to enhance your career, the following multiple-choice questionnaire will serve as a valuable resource in your journey toward academic and professional success. We encourage you to approach each question with curiosity and tenacity, as you continue to explore the fascinating realm of Earth Science and unlock your full potential. Good luck!

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What are the three main layers of the Earth?

a. Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere

b. Core, Mantle, Crust

c. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere

d. Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle

Answer: b. Core, Mantle, Crust

2. What type of rock is formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava?

a. Igneous

b. Sedimentary

c. Metamorphic

d. Plutonic

Answer: a. Igneous

3. Which layer of the Earth is composed mostly of iron and nickel?

a. Core

b. Mantle

c. Crust

d. Mesosphere

Answer: a. Core

4. Which theory states that the Earth and the other celestial objects in the solar system formed from the same spinning cloud of gas and dust?

a. Nebular Hypothesis

b. Continental Drift Theory

c. Plate Tectonics Theory

d. Big Bang Theory

Answer: a. Nebular Hypothesis

5. The Earth's lithosphere is broken into several large and small plates, which are constantly moving. What is this process called?

a. Plate Tectonics

b. Continental Drift

c. Lithospheric Drift

d. Earth's Plate Movement

Answer: a. Plate Tectonics

6. Which type of rock is formed from the accumulation of sediments and organic material?

a. Igneous

b. Sedimentary

c. Metamorphic

d. Plutonic

Answer: b. Sedimentary

7. The process where rocks are broken down by natural forces into smaller pieces is called:

a. Weathering

b. Erosion

c. Metamorphism

d. Deposition

Answer: a. Weathering

8. Which of the following is the primary gas found in the Earth's atmosphere?

a. Oxygen

b. Nitrogen

c. Carbon dioxide

d. Argon

Answer: b. Nitrogen

9. What is the name of the supercontinent that existed approximately 300 million years ago?

a. Gondwana

b. Laurasia

c. Pangaea

d. Rodinia

Answer: c. Pangaea

10. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into several layers. Which layer contains the ozone layer?

a. Troposphere

b. Stratosphere

c. Mesosphere

d. Thermosphere

Answer: b. Stratosphere

11. What is the Earth's outermost layer called?

a. Core

b. Mantle

c. Crust

d. Lithosphere

Answer: c. Crust

12. What causes the movement of Earth's tectonic plates?

a. Gravitational pull from the Moon

b. The Earth's magnetic field

c. Convection currents in the mantle

d. The Earth's rotation

Answer: c. Convection currents in the mantle

13. Which type of rock is formed when existing rock undergoes significant heat and pressure?

a. Igneous

b. Sedimentary

c. Metamorphic

d. Plutonic

Answer: c. Metamorphic

14. What is the process by which water vapor in the air turns into liquid water?

a. Condensation

b. Evaporation

c. Precipitation

d. Transpiration

Answer: a. Condensation

15. Which term refers to the transfer of heat energy by direct contact?

a. Conduction

b. Convection

c. Radiation

d. Advection

Answer: a. Conduction

16. The area where two tectonic plates move away from each other is called a:

a. Convergent boundary

b. Divergent boundary

c. Transform boundary

d. Subduction zone

Answer: b. Divergent boundary

17. Which of the following is NOT a type of sedimentary rock?

a. Sandstone

b. Shale

c. Granite

d. Limestone

Answer: c. Granite

18. What is the name of the boundary where two tectonic plates slide past one another?

a. Convergent boundary

b. Divergent boundary

c. Transform boundary

d. Subduction zone

Answer: c. Transform boundary

19. The Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of which two gases?

a. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

b. Oxygen and nitrogen

c. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide

d. Nitrogen and argon

Answer: b. Oxygen and nitrogen

20. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

a. Nitrogen

b. Oxygen

c. Argon

d. Methane

Answer: d. Methane

21. What is the primary cause of the Earth's seasons?

a. The Earth's distance from the Sun

b. The tilt of the Earth's axis

c. The Earth's rotation

d. The Earth's orbit around the Sun

Answer: b. The tilt of the Earth's axis

22. Which of the following is a result of the Earth's rotation?

a. Seasons

b. Day and night

c. Tides

d. Lunar phases

Answer: b. Day and night

23. Which of the following weather events is caused by a warm air mass rising over a cooler air mass?

a. Tornado

b. Hurricane

c. Thunderstorm

d. Blizzard

Answer: c. Thunderstorm

24. What causes the Coriolis effect?

a. The Earth's tilt

b. The Earth's rotation

c. The Earth's orbit around the Sun

d. The Earth's magnetic field

Answer: b. The Earth's rotation

25. Which of the following factors can influence the formation of soil?

a. Climate

b. Parent material

c. Time

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

26. Which of the following is a primary cause of ocean currents?

a. Gravitational pull from the Moon

b. The Earth's rotation

c. The Sun's radiation

d. Wind

Answer: d. Wind

27. Which of the following natural Which of the following natural disasters is most commonly associated with tectonic plate movement?

a. Hurricanes

b. Tornadoes

c. Earthquakes

d. Floods

Answer: c. Earthquakes

28. What is the name of the scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes?

a. Richter scale

b. Mercalli scale

c. Beaufort scale

d. Mohs scale

Answer: a. Richter scale

29. Which term refers to the process by which liquid water turns into water vapor?

a. Condensation

b. Evaporation

c. Precipitation

d. Transpiration

Answer: b. Evaporation

30. What is the primary force that drives the water cycle?

a. Gravity

b. Solar energy

c. Wind

d. Earth's rotation

Answer: b. Solar energy

31. What is the term used to describe the boundary between two air masses with different temperatures and humidity levels?

a. Front

b. Jet stream

c. Convergence zone

d. Tropopause

Answer: a. Front

32. Which of the following is a characteristic of igneous rocks with a high silica content?

a. Dark color

b. High density

c. Light color

d. Fine-grained texture

Answer: c. Light color

33. The process by which rocks are gradually worn away by wind, water, and ice is called:

a. Weathering

b. Erosion

c. Metamorphism

d. Deposition

Answer: b. Erosion

34. What is the term used to describe the solid outer shell of the Earth that includes the crust and upper mantle?

a. Lithosphere

b. Asthenosphere

c. Mesosphere

d. Troposphere

Answer: a. Lithosphere

35. What is the name of the underwater mountain range that runs through the Atlantic Ocean?

a. Andes Mountains

b. Mid-Atlantic Ridge

c. Mariana Trench

d. Himalayas

Answer: b. Mid-Atlantic Ridge

36. Which layer of the Earth is composed mostly of solid rock and is located below the crust?

a. Core

b. Mantle

c. Mesosphere

d. Asthenosphere

Answer: b. Mantle

37. What is the term for the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake?

a. Epicenter

b. Hypocenter

c. Aftershock

d. Seismic zone

Answer: a. Epicenter

38. Which of the following factors contributes to the development of hurricanes?

a. Warm ocean water

b. High pressure system

c. Cold fronts

d. Landforms

Answer: a. Warm ocean water

39. What is the primary reason for the Earth's magnetic field?

a. The Earth's rotation

b. The Earth's gravitational pull

c. The movement of tectonic plates

d. The movement of molten iron in the Earth's outer core

Answer: d. The movement of molten iron in the Earth's outer core

40. Which of the following is a primary cause of tsunamis?

a. Tornadoes

b. Volcanic eruptions

c. Meteor impacts

d. Both b and c

Answer: d. Both b and c

41. What is the term for a large, long-lasting mass of ice that moves under its own weight?

a. Glacier

b. Iceberg

c. Ice sheet

d. Sea ice

Answer: a. Glacier

42. Which of the following is a common cause of mass wasting events, such as landslides?

a. Earthquakes

b. Volcanic eruptions

c. Oversteepening of slopes

d. All of the above

Answer Key: d. All of the above

43. What is the term used to describe a large body of air that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure throughout?

a. Air mass

b. Air front

c. Air parcel

d. Air system

Answer: a. Air mass

44. What is the name of the process by which surface water seeps into the ground and becomes groundwater?

a. Infiltration

b. Percolation

c. Evaporation

d. Runoff

Answer: a. Infiltration

45. What is the term for a cone-shaped depression formed by the collapse of a volcanic mountain?

a. Caldera

b. Crater

c. Fissure

d. Vent

Answer: a. Caldera

46. Which of the following is the primary driver of wind?

a. Earth's rotation

b. Solar radiation

c. Ocean currents

d. Uneven heating of the Earth's surface

Answer: d. Uneven heating of the Earth's surface

47. What type of rock forms when magma solidifies beneath the Earth's surface?

a. Extrusive igneous rock

b. Intrusive igneous rock

c. Sedimentary rock

d. Metamorphic rock

Answer: b. Intrusive igneous rock

48. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

a. Water vapor

b. Carbon dioxide

c. Methane

d. Helium

Answer: d. Helium

49. Which layer of the Earth's atmosphere directly influences weather patterns?

a. Troposphere

b. Stratosphere

c. Mesosphere

d. Thermosphere

Answer: a. Troposphere

50. What is the term for a large, rotating tropical storm system with wind speeds of at least 74 mph (119 km/h)?

a. Tornado

b. Typhoon

c. Hurricane

d. Cyclone

Answer: c. Hurricane

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