Reviewer: LET - Professional Education (Part 3 - Social Dimensions of Education)



Social Dimensions of Education

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer for each item.

            1. Which of the following theories emphasizes the importance of social interactions in the                         development of cognitive abilities?

A. Behaviorism

B. Constructivism

C. Social Cognitive Theory

D. Sociocultural Theory

2. What is the primary goal of multicultural education?

A. To promote cultural assimilation

B. To celebrate the unique cultural heritage of the teacher

C. To foster respect, understanding, and appreciation for diverse cultures

D. To focus on the dominant culture in society

3. Which of the following is an example of a hidden curriculum?

A. The content of a specific subject matter

B. The school's official mission statement

C. The values and beliefs implicitly taught through classroom interactions

D. The course outline provided by the teacher

4. The concept of "cultural capital" was developed by which of the following sociologists?

A. Emile Durkheim

B. Karl Marx

C. Pierre Bourdieu

D. Max Weber

5. Which of the following factors can contribute to the achievement gap among students?

A. Socioeconomic status

B. Teacher expectations

C. Access to educational resources

D. All of the above

6. What is the primary purpose of community-based education?

A. To provide students with opportunities to learn from their local community

B. To prepare students for life in a global society

C. To encourage students to leave their community after graduation

D. To focus on theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills

7. In the context of education, what does the term "gender equity" refer to?

A. Ensuring that both male and female students receive the same treatment and opportunities

B. Encouraging gender stereotypes in the classroom

C. Providing separate educational programs for boys and girls

D. Ignoring the impact of gender on student achievement

8. Which of the following best describes the concept of "cultural relativism"?

A. The belief that one's own culture is superior to others

B. The practice of evaluating other cultures based on one's own cultural standards

C. The understanding that cultural values and practices should be evaluated within their own context

D. The belief that cultural differences are insignificant and should be ignored

9. What is the main goal of critical pedagogy?

A. To maintain the status quo in society

B. To teach students to think critically and challenge social injustices

C. To encourage students to memorize facts and figures

D. To prepare students for standardized tests

10. Which of the following theorists is most closely associated with the concept of the "banking model" of education?

A. Paulo Freire

B. John Dewey

C. Lev Vygotsky

D. Maria Montessori

11. What is the primary purpose of gender-sensitive education?

A. To eliminate gender stereotypes and promote equal opportunities for all students

B. To teach students about traditional gender roles

C. To provide separate educational programs for boys and girls

D. To focus exclusively on the achievements of one gender

12. Which of the following is an example of social stratification in education?

A. The existence of various types of schools, such as public, private, and religious institutions

B. The use of standardized tests to evaluate student performance

C. The availability of advanced courses for high-performing students

D. All of the above

13. The term "scaffolding" in education refers to:

A. The physical structure of a classroom

B. The support provided by a teacher to help a student move from their current level of understanding to a higher level

C. The hierarchical organization of subject matter in a curriculum

D. The use of technology in the classroom

14. Which of the following best describes the concept of "socialization" in the context of education?

A. The process by which individuals learn and internalize the values, norms, and expectations of society

B. The interaction between students and teachers in the classroom

C. The organization of students into social groups based on their interests and abilities

D. The process of adapting to a new culture or environment

15. What is the main goal of global education?

A. To prepare students to be responsible citizens in an interconnected world

To focus exclusively on the dominant culture in society

C. To teach students about the history of their local community

D. To promote nationalistic values and beliefs

16. Which of the following terms refers to the process of acquiring the knowledge, skills, values,             and attitudes necessary for effective participation in society?

A. Enculturation

B. Socialization

C. Assimilation

D. Acculturation

17. Which of the following factors can contribute to the "digital divide" in education?

A. Access to technology and internet connectivity

B. Computer literacy skills

C. Socioeconomic status

D. All of the above

18. The concept of "tracking" in education refers to:

A. The practice of assigning students to different ability groups or classes based on their perceived potential

B. The process of monitoring student attendance and performance

C. The use of technology to track student progress

D. The implementation of policies to promote social mobility

19. Which of the following best describes the concept of "cultural responsiveness" in education?

A. Ignoring cultural differences and treating all students the same

B. Recognizing, respecting, and incorporating the diverse cultural backgrounds of students in the teaching and learning process

C. Encouraging students to abandon their cultural practices in favor of the dominant culture

D. Focusing exclusively on the teacher's own cultural background

20. What is the primary purpose of citizenship education?

A. To teach students about the responsibilities and rights associated with being a member of a democratic society

B. To promote nationalism and loyalty to one's country

C. To provide students with an understanding of international politics

D. To focus on the development of social skills

21. Which of the following is an example of a culturally responsive teaching strategy?

A. Using examples and materials that reflect the diverse backgrounds of students

B. Teaching only the dominant culture's perspective on history

C. Encouraging students to adopt the teacher's cultural practices

D. Ignoring the cultural backgrounds of students

22. What is the main goal of environmental education?

A. To teach students about the importance of economic growth

B. To promote the responsible use and conservation of natural resources

C. To focus on the development of agricultural skills

D. To prepare students for careers in the oil and gas industry

23. Which of the following factors can contribute to educational inequality?

A. School funding disparities

B. Teacher quality and expectations

C. Societal attitudes and beliefs

D. All of the above

24. What is the primary purpose of service-learning?

A. To provide students with opportunities to apply classroom learning to real-world situations while serving their community

B. To promote academic competition among students

C. To prepare students for standardized tests

D. To focus on the development of technical skills

25. Which of the following is an example of a school's "ethos"?

A. The physical layout of the school building

B. The school's official mission statement

C. The underlying values, beliefs, and attitudes that shape the school's culture and climate

D. The student dress code and behavior policies

26. In the context of education, what does the term "equity" refer to?

A. Providing equal resources and opportunities for all students, regardless of their individual needs

B. Ensuring that all students receive the same treatment and outcomes

C. Providing differentiated support and resources to address the unique needs and potential of each student

D. Ignoring the impact of social and cultural factors on student achievement

27. Which of the following is an example of a school's "microsystem"?

A. The relationships between students, teachers, and administrators

B. The relationships between the school, the community, and the government

C. The relationships between different schools within a district

D. The relationships between the school and the global community

28. What is the primary purpose of human rights education?

A. To teach students about the privileges they are entitled to

B. To promote awareness, understanding, and protection of human rights for all individuals

C. To focus on the development of social skills

D. To prepare students for careers in law and government

29. Which of the following best describes the concept of "inclusion" in education?

A. Providing separate educational programs for students with disabilities

B. Ignoring the unique needs and potential of each student

C. Ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities or needs, have access to a supportive and high-quality education within the general education setting

D. Focusing exclusively on the needs of the highest-achieving students

30. What is the main goal of character education?

A. To teach students about the virtues and values that form the foundation of ethical behavior and responsible citizenship

B. To promote academic competition among students

C. To prepare students for standardized tests

D. To focus on the development of cognitive skills

31. Which of the following is an example of a school's "macrosystem"?

A. The relationships between students, teachers, and administrators

B. The relationships between the school, the community, and the government

C. The relationships between different schools within a district

D. The relationships between the school and the global community

32. In the context of education, what does the term "diversity" refer to?

A. The differences in culture, ethnicity, language, socio-economic status, gender, abilities, and other factors among students and teachers

B. The variety of subjects and courses offered in a school's curriculum

C. The differences in teaching methods and strategies used in the classroom

D. The range of extracurricular activities available to students

33. Which of the following terms refers to the process of adapting to and adopting the dominant             culture of a society?

A. Enculturation

B. Socialization

C. Assimilation

D. Acculturation

34. What is the main goal of peace education?

A. To teach students about the history of warfare and conflict

B. To promote the responsible use of weapons and military technology

C. To develop the skills, attitudes, and values necessary for peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution

D. To focus on the development of negotiation skills

35. Which of the following is an example of a school's "exosystem"?

A. The relationships between students, teachers, and administrators

B. The relationships between the school, the community, and the government

C. The relationships between different schools within a district

D. The relationships between the school and the global community

36. In the context of education, what does the term "resilience" refer to?

A. The ability to adapt and succeed in the face of adversity or challenging circumstances

B. The level of academic achievement attained by a student

C. The capacity to bounce back after a physical injury

D. The ability to maintain a positive attitude in the face of criticism

37. What is the primary purpose of sex education?

A. To promote abstinence and traditional gender roles

B. To provide students with accurate information about human sexuality, relationships, and reproductive health, and to develop their decision-making skills and values

C. To focus on the biological aspects of reproduction

D. To prepare students for careers in the healthcare industry

38. Which of the following best describes the concept of "cultural competence" in education?

A. The ability to effectively interact with and teach individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds

B. The level of knowledge about one's own culture

C. The ability to speak multiple languages fluently

D. The level of understanding about the dominant culture in society

39. What is the primary purpose of multicultural education?

A. To teach students about the customs and traditions of the dominant culture

B. To promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the diverse cultural backgrounds of students and their communities

C. To focus on the development of cognitive skills

D. To prepare students for careers in the global economy

40. Which of the following factors can contribute to the "school-to-prison pipeline"?

A. Zero-tolerance disciplinary policies

B. Limited access to educational resources

C. A lack of culturally responsive teaching

D. All of the above

41. In the context of education, what does the term "empowerment" refer to?

A. The process of gaining control over one's life and participating effectively in society

B. The level of academic achievement attained by a student

C. The ability to perform well on standardized tests

D. The capacity to influence others through persuasion and negotiation

42. What is the main goal of bilingual education?

A. To promote the use of a single language in schools

B. To provide instruction and support in both the students' native language and the dominant language, allowing them to develop proficiency in both

C. To focus on the development of listening and speaking skills

D. To prepare students for careers in the language industry

43. Which of the following is an example of a school's "mesosystem"?

A. The relationships between students, teachers, and administrators

B. The relationships between the school, the community, and the government

C. The relationships between different schools within a district

D. The relationships between the school and the global community

44. In the context of education, what does the term "self-efficacy" refer to?

A. The belief in one's ability to successfully complete tasks and achieve goals

B. The level of academic achievement attained by a student

C. The ability to perform well on standardized tests

D. The capacity to work well with others in a group setting

45. What is the primary purpose of media literacy education?

A. To teach students about the history of media and communication technologies

B. To develop students' critical thinking and analytical skills to effectively interpret, evaluate, and create media messages

C. To focus on the development of technical skills

D. To prepare students for careers in the media industry

46. Which of the following best describes the concept of "student-centered learning"?

A. An approach to teaching that focuses on the needs, interests, and abilities of individual students, encouraging active participation and collaboration in the learning process

B. A traditional lecture-based approach to teaching

C. The use of standardized tests to evaluate student performance

D. The implementation of policies to promote academic competition

47. What is the main goal of values education?

A. To promote a single set of moral and ethical values for all students

B. To help students develop their own values and principles, and to understand the values of others in a diverse society

C. To focus on the development of cognitive skills

D. To prepare students for careers in the nonprofit sector

48. Which of the following is an example of a school's "chronosystem"?

A. The relationships between students, teachers, and administrators

B. The relationships between the school, the community, and the government

C. The impact of historical events and societal changes on the school and its community

D. The relationships between the school and the global community

49. In the context of education, what does the term "global citizenship" refer to?

A. The legal status of being a citizen of a particular country

B. The awareness, understanding, and appreciation of global issues and the interconnectedness of people and societies, and the ability to act responsibly on a local and global level

C. The focus on the development of language skills for communication with people from different countries

D. The ability to travel and work in different countries around the world

50. What is the main goal of gender-sensitive education?

A. To promote traditional gender roles and stereotypes

B. To create a learning environment that acknowledges and respects the diverse experiences and perspectives of students of all genders, and that challenges gender-based discrimination and stereotypes

C. To focus on the development of cognitive skills

D. To prepare students for careers in gender studies

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